Free Donuts! Hooray!, More Experimental Drug Damage, UK CV Status Review – Evidence Submitted, MOB Update, Dr V Coleman and “Unity”,

May be an image of ‎one or more people, beard and ‎text that says

Number of Pregnant Women suffering Miscarriage after having Covid Vaccine increases by 483% in just 7 weeks

Not sure why pregnant women would have been given the vaccine in the first place?

Response to “COVID-Status Certification Review – Call for Evidence” (UK) by Class Action COVID UK

An excellent document.


a) Clinical / medical considerations

A positive PCR result is NOT a reliable indication that someone is infected with

active virus, nor infectious to others.

The PCR test CANNOT diagnose any illness or disease, including COVID-19.

COVID-19 vaccines are NOT shown to reduce risk of contracting or transmitting the

SARS-CoV-2 virus, nor the COVID-19 disease.

b) Legal considerations

Deprivation of liberty for the prevention of the spreading of infectious diseases

Enhorn v Sweden condition (1) – assessing the danger

Enhorn v Sweden (2) – less severe measures

Segregation, apartheid and crimes against humanity

f) Ethical considerations

g) Equalities considerations

h) Privacy considerations

Other Comments


Dr Vernon Coleman Plays the “Unity Card”

Dr Coleman has been a key figure in rejecting the pandemic narrative – and yet  some people have reservations about him. In this video

at about 23 mins in, he discusses Rosemary Frei’s article about Geert Van Bossche. However, Coleman really “lays into” Frei and insults her. I think he “doth protest too much.” I saw this sort behaviour frequently in relation to those who’d started to discuss core truths about 9/11and I’ve written 2 books about that!

My opinion is that the GVB interview was meant to scare those who disbelieve the pandemic/vaccine narrative into “crying wolf” to those who are getting or have gotten the “jab” and to say “you’re going to be a super-spreader” – thus making them similar to those “narrative-believers” who make the same accusations against non-mask wearers etc.

NHS RGN Band 5 Staff Nurse-Kirsty Whistleblows On Government Covid-19 Lies

Exclusive: Former Pfizer VP to AFLDS: ‘Entirely possible this will be used for massive-scale depopulation’

He spells it out.

Get Vaccinated and Then Have a Free Donut!

Also see: “Free Stuff Covid-19 Vaccination Cards Can Get You, Like Krispy Kreme Doughnuts”

PUB v Hancock & Others | Service & Receipt of Evidence Bundle

Update from Michael O’Bernicia:

PCP Week One Snapshot

Over the course of the first week, following the electronic laying of the information in the Private Criminal Prosecution against Hancock, Whitty, Vallance and Ferguson, we witnessed the following events:

1.       The Gates Foundation removing links to evidence we cited in the papers from their website, the day after they were electronically laid at the court.

2.       YouTube and Twitter censoring Mark Devlin’s channels, three days after he released an interview with yours truly about the electronic laying of the papers, when it had already attained in excess of 40,000 views.

3.    Matt Hancock stuttering and stumbling, after being asked, in the Parliamentary Coronavirus Act ‘debate’ last Thursday, about existing data on fatal adverse events within three weeks of the COVID jabs.

4.      The evidence bundle being served upon and received by Westminster Magistrates Court, as shown in the foregoing image gallery, the day after Hancock’s bumbling response to by far the most significant question asked by any MP since the first day of this treacherous Parliament.

Government of Norway indicted for crimes against humanity

BY GREATREJECT · 24/03/2021


  • Proven with NIPH’s own data/documents and figures as thereby demonstrably [false]
  • Participates in an internationally planned false pandemic. (See attached document)
  • Violation of international law and human rights
  • Violation of the European Commission’s definition of human rights by coercive rules
  • Violation of the Nuremberg and Hague rules on fundamental human rights
  • Violation of the Norwegian constitution on several points

 Update from Dr Reiner Fuellmich

He gives a good overview (17 mins) – let’s hope he is successful in gaining ground against the evil-doers who are running the scam.

Data Collection – Explained by the Internet Privacy Guy

This chap knows his stuff – and his website offers practical solutions to minimise data collection.


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