How They’ve Done it. Do doctors have to have the covid-19 vaccine?, More from Doctors, UK Cinema Assoc., Barred from seeing his Deceased Wife, EU 2017/18 Vaccine Passport Plan How They’ve Done it… COVID-19 is a Symdemic (or Simdemic) Not  a Pandemic – It’s a Securitization of a Health Issue Plan  The pace of this is a little … Read More

Pfizer Vaccine, Portugal and PCR Testing, Fox News and the Globalists, Danish Mask Study, US Sheriffs Refuse to Comply

Top Pfizer Whistleblower Trashes Company’s Vaccine ‘Breakthrough’ Spin More from Dr Mike Yeadon (yes, he promotes the “real virus” narrative…) First COVID-19 Vaccine 90% Effective? But also bear … Read More